Know anyone looking forward to a fire in their house so they could finally test their skills with the fire extinguisher? Or to a car accident to find out how well the seatbelts and the airbags work?
Both situations are real and could happen to anyone of us at any time. And both could prove fatal.
And so is the case with being violently attacked – there’s a chance it might happen. But I guess you all know it already because you train Krav Maga.
The tests at Krav Maga Detroit are simulations of the real thing. If you think bout it, it should terrify you. No normal person should look forward to experiencing that. Yet this Friday, October 4, another group of students will take on that challenge. Are they insane? Are they thrill seekers? Adrenaline junkies?
I can only tell you about myself – I never looked forward to a test. I wasn’t afraid of it but would rather not. Unfortunately I had no choice. I saw it as something I had to do to prove to myself that I could. And to find weaknesses that needed to be trained more and turned into strengths. I never chased belts or accolades or fame. I chased hard shit. The closer to reality the better. And I still do. And have a ton of great memories, patches and coins to tell the stories.
If you ever decide to test at KMD, know that it will be an experience and you will learn things about yourself and others that you wouldn’t have otherwise. And it will be hard. Maybe harder than anything you’ve ever done. But it has to be. After all, one can’t forge a lukewarm steel. Forging takes heat, pressure and violence but the results are amazing.
The names of the testing candidates were selected by our Cadre who teach you and evaluate you every time. Then other instructors have a chance to express their approval by signing their name next to the candidate. But just because your name is on the list and there’s some signatures next to it doesn’t mean you will pass. It shows we believe you could.
The test will tell the tale as it always has. But you have to do the work. And do it like your life depends on it. Because one day it just might.
I hope to see you all triumphant Friday night and I’m looking forward to shaking your hand as I’m presenting you with the Level 2 patch.