Krav Maga Detroit Weekly Update

We Forge Warriors - April 19, 2021



Sunday, April 25 @ 6PM

with John Carra!


Sunday, April 25th, 6pm 

This is an online event. 


PLEASE JOIN US! This coming Sunday @ 6PM!

John Carra has been a Master of nutrition and bodybuilding for years! And he wants to share all of his knowledge with you!

We will be posting an invite for the event to your email and on Facebook - Sunday before the event begins!

Last Week's Hero Workout! 

Last Friday we completed another Hero Workout this time commemorating the Bataan Death March. It wasn’t easy but training / suffering with a purpose and great people around you makes for an unforgettable experience. And the sense of accomplishment after is amazing! KMD members of the TRIBE meet every month to perform a specific workout and all are invited to join. The date for May will be announced soon and we hope to see you there. 
Big picture

What to Watch: 

The Standard 

Pushing limits and building bridges at the world’s toughest endurance event.

GORUCK SELECTION is not only the toughest endurance event on the planet, it’s also an attempt to bridge the military-civilian divide. Hosted by a group of Special Forces combat veterans, this 48-hour challenge is a condensed interpretation of the US Army’s 24-day Assessment and Selection. For the participants, the event is a chance to test their limits while paying tribute to those who serve. For the Special Forces Cadre who lead the event, it’s an opportunity to honor their roots and connect with civilians. Less than 2% of participants finished the first 18 iterations of the event.

Will anyone in Class 019 meet “The Standard”? WATCH NOW ON HULU

Women's Self Protection Clinic Continues! 

Last week started off with an amazing first class for the Women's Self Protection Clinic! Women showed up ready to learn and ready to fight! We are very excited to keep training techniques and mindset!

Thank you to everyone for your support! And please be sure to continue to welcome these women as they join us at KMD for the next 3 Mondays!

Coach's Corner

Coach's Corner 

Ab circuit:

A1: sprinter sit up: 20 reps

A2: v-up: 20 reps

A3: toe touch: 20 reps

A4: hip-up: 20 reps

Repeat 2-4 times through

B1: left side plank: 30 seconds

B2: right side plank: 30 second

B3: plank: 1 minute

Repeat 2-4 times through

Curriculum of the Week 


Straight Punches 

360 Defenses (1-3)

Chokes - Front with Push

Chokes - Behind with Push


Side and Back Kick In Place & With Advance 

Short Uppercut Back Kick 

Side Kick with Hammer fist Punch 

Back Kick with Hammer fist Punch 

Review – Ground – side position – movement 

Review – Ground – side position – all kicks 


REVIEW – Kick Combination: (front, round, side and back across room) 

REVIEW – Kick Combination: (left front kick – right round kick) 

REVIEW – Kick Combination: (right front kick – step – right round kick) 

Head-butt - Forward 

Head-butt - Upward 



Free Work 


REVIEW – Inside and Outside Defenses 

REVIEW – All Self Defense 

Stick – Overhead Swing – off angle / dead side (1 step) 

Stick – Overhead Swing – off angle / dead side (2 steps)



  • ALWAYS change your shoes before class, no matter what the weather is like outside.
  • REMEMBER to sign in for classes before showing up. If class shows "full," please still come - some people will sign up but not show up!
  • RESPECT all equipment and rooms. If you are utilizing the "open gym," put things back where you found them and clean up after yourself. (Clean up chalk and put weights back)