Krav Maga Detroit - Weekly Update

We Forge Warriors - May 3, 2021



Saturday, May 8

1-6 PM

Contact Pjeter Berishaj to register: 


KM 1 Review

Friday, May 21

6-9 PM

Price: $99

KM 1 Test

Friday, June 11


Price: $125

May = National Military Appreciation Month 

May has been designated by the Congress as the National Military Appreciation Month. At KMD we cherish our freedom and know who we owe it to so for us it’s nothing new. But this month let’s all push a little harder and do a little more. KMD will be donating money to the Gary Sinise Foundation and we hope you will join us in this effort. Just click the link and if you’d like to find out more about the man who started it (Lt. Dan ;) ) and amazing ways the foundation serves those who serve our country, check out Jocko Podcast #217. You won’t regret it. 
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Spring Charity Challenge 2021 

Another challenge is live. A number of KMD folks are legendary for their achievements during those challenges. Shev, Laura, John Carra, to name just a few, crushed the previous ones and scored unreal numbers of reps. Maybe this one is your turn? 
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Student Testimonials!!! 

We would love to get short videos and written experiences from YOU! 

The best way to spread awareness about KMD is word of mouth. People want to know why you train, what is is like, and how you have benefited. 

If you would like to shoot a small clip after class or email us your own that would be amazing! 

Written love for KMD can be emailed. 

Please sent to:



KMD TRIBE continues going strong and last Friday completed a long ruck (12miles/20km) around Troy. Great time was had by all and they stayed well hydrated even though not a drop of water was used ;) ;) ;) 
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Coach's Corner

Coach's Corner 

Added Training and How to fit it in.

Years ago, my brother had a friend who was on the wrestling team with us. He would always find ways to get extra training in throughout the day. The one thing that stood out with me back then was that he made a rule for himself. This rule was, anytime he walked through a door, he would drop down and do 10 push-ups. So, while at home if he got up and left his room, 10 push-ups, went into bathroom, 10 push-ups, then 10 on the way out and 10 going back into his room. As you can imagine this added up very quickly and it would not be out of the ordinary for him to add an extra 200 - 300 push-ups during the day outside of his normal training. 

Fast forward years later, I took this technique and changed it so that if I when watching TV, I would do Sit-ups or Push-ups throughout the commercial breaks. This would end up getting an extra 25 - 50 push-ups and/ or sit-ups each 30 minutes of a TV show. I also noticed, I did not watch as much TV, since I knew I would possibly be working out throughout. 

Then even later, I was playing, and online game called World of Warcraft. This game could eat up many hours of time and I quickly realized that there was plenty of time that I was waiting (IE: Griffon rides, waiting in queue for battlegrounds) that I could drop down and do push-ups, sit-ups or any other body weight exercise.

So here is the plan, find random repeatable times throughout the day and create a list of exercises you want to do. For example, if you need to improve Pull-ups... anytime you walk by a pull-up bar or an area where you can safely perform pull-ups. Do 1 - 5 pull-ups. This "greasing the groove" as it’s called will over time build your ability to perform that movement at a higher capacity. 

Some great ideas to think about would be:

When waking up, do 10 squats, 10 sit-ups, and 10 push-ups for 3 - 5 rounds. (will help get you started for the day)

Before looking down at your phone for a Social Media Update, perform 20 walking lunges

Before any "Snack" Meal, take 5- 7 minutes and go through a body weight circuit (push-ups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, etc.) *Note this will also stop "Boredom Eating".

Those are just a few ideas you can try, take a moment and look throughout your typical day and see where you can add in some EXTRA work. You may find that it not only improves your training capacity, your ability to perform those movements at a higher level, but also help to burn a few extra calories and get you closer to your physique goals.

Curriculum for the Week 


Straight Punches

Eye gouge 

Finger Strikes to Eyes/Throat 

Front Kick to Vertical Target

Choke from the side 



Focus mitt combination: (left straight – right elbow)

Focus mitts – Free work 

Kick combination: (left front kick – right round kick) 

Kick combination: (right front kick – step – right round kick) 

Sprawl - no takedown


REVIEW - Punches – Focus Mitt Combination: (left straight – right elbow) 

REVIEW - Punches – Focus Mitt Combination: (lt./rt. Combination – bob – rt. cross)

REVIEW - Punches – Focus Mitt Combination: (lt./rt. Combination – bob – rt. elbow)


Outside Defense #1 (palm to self)

Outside Defense #2 (thumb to self)

Outside Defense #3 (duck under)

Outside Defense #4 (stabbing)

Outside Defense #5 (palm away)

Outside Defense against R punch (punching defense)


Heel Kick with a Spin

Sweep – Leg Sweep with Round Kick

Sliding Defense vs. Spinning Heel Kick

Kick Defense vs. Spinning Heel Kick



  • ALWAYS change your shoes before class, no matter what the weather is like outside.
  • REMEMBER to sign in for classes before showing up. If class shows "full," please still come - some people will sign up but not show up!
  • RESPECT all equipment and rooms. If you are utilizing the "open gym," put things back where you found them and clean up after yourself. (Clean up chalk and put away weights)