Krav Maga Detroit Weekly Update
We Forge Warriors - May 25, 2021
KMD is CLOSED Memorial Day Weekend: Friday 5/28 - Monday 5/31.

KM 1 Test
Friday, June 11
Price to test: $125
Anti-Carjacking Workshop
Friday, June 25 6-9PM
Taught by Pawel
$99 KMD Members
$125 Non-Members
Event posted on Zen
Women's Clinic:
Abduction Prevention
Begins Monday, July 12
6:30-8:00 PM
Runs for four Mondays
Final day: Monday, Aug 2
KMD Member Referral
KMD Members bring a friend to train! 50% off enrollment for your friend and $50 KMD BUCKs for you to use towards KMD goodies :)
Please contact Lisa:
Last Week Re-cap:
Last Saturday the KMD crew headed out to play a rowdy game of paintball! An amazing time was had by all! See picture below!

Military Appreciation Month - Donations Encouraged!
Please click on link below to learn about the Gary Sinise Foundation and donate!
Coach's Corner
So, its Sunday night and you are sitting at home disgusted with the state you let yourself become. Tired all the time, overweight, lethargic, feeling overall just bad. Maybe you wont even look in the mirror without clothes on and that is bad enough. Wait! That’s it! Tomorrow I am going to the gym and I will eat better, and I will get in shape! You set your alarm for 4 in the morning since that’s when Rocky got up, then you look at it and change it to 4:30, no I will set it for 5 am and that will still give me plenty of time. The excitement is there, your journey to greatness is just one sleep away!
Fast forward, Monday morning, alarm goes off….. snooze….. alarm goes off… snooze… alarm goes off… sigh I will start tomorrow I did not sleep too well so its better to get some sleep and train while rested. This will continue, postponing always find an excuse why you can’t start that day or constantly planning on starting the following Monday.
The following is a simple start that I want you to try.
There are two areas we will focus on…Nutrition and Activity. This is not some restricted plan or crazy workouts. I don’t want you to take anything at all away from what you are doing right now, I just am asking you that you ADD in some quality food and a short amount of time in activity. Here it is.
Week 1:
Drink 100oz of water a day and add in protein via, chicken, fish, beef, eggs to 3 meals a day. That’s it
Walk….. just walk… 30 – 45 minutes 4 times a week. Preferably outside, take a pet or go on the treadmill and walk. That’s it
Focus on those things and then whatever else you eat or do, does not matter, just make sure for 1 week you do the above.
Week 2:
Drink 100oz of water a day and add in protein via, chicken, fish, beef, eggs to 3 meals a day, along with the protein add in a green vegetable to two meals… It can be a salad, raw or cooked.
Walk….. just walk… 30 – 45 minutes 5 times a week. Preferably outside, take a pet or go on the treadmill and walk. That’s it
Week 3:
Drink 100oz of water a day and add in protein via, chicken, fish, beef, eggs to 3 meals a day, along with the protein add in a green vegetable to two meals… It can be a salad, raw or cooked, along with protein and green vegetable, add a piece of fruit to one meal… apples, strawberries, blueberries, pears, etc.
Walk….. just walk… 40- 45 minutes 5 times a week. Preferably outside, take a pet or go on the treadmill and walk. That’s it
Week 4:
Drink 100oz of water a day and add in protein via, chicken, fish, beef, eggs to 3 meals a day, along with the protein add in a green vegetable to two meals… It can be a salad, raw or cooked, along with protein and green vegetable, add a piece of fruit to one meal… apples, strawberries, blueberries, pears, etc. along with protein, green vegetable, add in a healthy snack outside of the 3 meals... some almonds, cup of cottage cheese, greek yogurt.
Walk….. just walk… 40- 45 minutes 6 times a week. Preferably outside, take a pet or go on the treadmill and walk. That’s it
THAT’S IT… now its been a month…. You did not eliminate anything, you only focused on adding good things and some light activity… Now you are ready to start your true fitness journey. Congratulations!
Curriculum of the Week
Straight Punches
Heel Punch
Front Kick to Vertical Target
Knees with Grab to Shoulder and Arm
Choke from Front – 1 Hand Pluck
REVIEW – straight punches
REVIEW – Inside defenses
Inside defense w/counter vs. left punch
Inside defense w/counter vs. left punch (using left hand)
Inside defense w/counter vs. right punch (2 counters)
Inside defense w/counter vs. right punch (1 counter)
Back Fallbreak
Side Fallbreak
Free Work – Punches and Kicks
Groundwork - Kick Off From Guard - Space
Groundwork - Kick Off From Guard - No Space
Groundwork - Arm Bar From Guard
REVIEW – All Fallbreaks and Rolls
Groundwork – Attacker Straddling – Pinning Wrists
Groundwork – Triangle Choke
Reference Videos
- ALWAYS change your shoes before class, no matter what the weather is like outside.
- REMEMBER to sign in for classes before showing up. If class shows "full," please still come - some people will sign up but not show up!
- RESPECT all equipment and rooms. If you are utilizing the "open gym," put things back where you found them and clean up after yourself. (Clean up chalk and put away weights)
Pawel and Lisa Cichowlas