Krav Maga Detroit Weekly Update
We Forge Warriors - August 2, 2021
Friday, August 6
TAKEN: Fighting the Kidnapping Attempt
Friday, August 13
Laser Tag
Saturday, August 21
More details to follow
KM 1 Test
Friday, October 1
Extortion 17 WOD Workout
Friday, Aug. 6th, 6pm
950 West Maple Road
Troy, MI
We are honoring the memory of the heroes of Extortion 17.
Extortion 17 WOD WORKOUT:
AMRAP (with a Partner) in 31 minutes
Partner A performs AMRAP of:
- 8 Thrusters
- 6 Rows + Knee Ups
- 11 Squats + Jump Overs
While Partner B performs: 400 meter Sandbag Ruck/Run
Partners switch after each Run.
This months TRIBE Training workout “Extortion 17” will honor a group of Elite Warriors that paid the ultimate sacrifice. This workout is meant to be heavy, brutal, and best done with a partner to share the work load (if you don't have a partner, just complete the 400m ruck between each round.

TAKEN Seminar: Fighting the Kidnapping Attempt
Friday, August 13, 2021
$99 KMD Members, $149 non-Members
Participants should bring a pillowcase, a spare t-shirt, or a hoodie.
Will cover fighting in and around vehicles, while bound and blindfolded.
Groin Protection and mouth guard not required, but recommended!
Interested in a summer challenge?? Check out the link below and join our team!!!
Register on the website first, then request to join KMD's team! See Pawel for more details!

Coach's Corner
Conditioning Accumulator
Setup an area that you can sprint 30 meters.
Round 1:
1 x 30 meter sprint and 1 burpee. Do this in 10 seconds then rest 10 seconds - go to round 2
Round 2: 2 x 30 meter sprints and 2 burpees in 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds go to round 3
Round 3: 3 x 30 meter sprints and 3 burpees in 30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds go to round 4
Round 4: 4 x 30 meter sprints and 4 burpees in 40 seconds. Rest 40 seconds go to round 5
Round 5: 5 x 30 meter sprints and 5 burpees in 50 seconds. Rest 50 seconds go to round 6
Round 6: 6 x 30 meter sprints and 6 burpees in 60 seconds. Rest 60 seconds go to round 7
Round 7: 7 x 30 meter sprints and 7 burpees in 70 seconds. Rest 70 seconds go to round 8
Round 8: 8 x 30 meter sprints and 8 burpees in 80 seconds. Rest 80 seconds go to round 9
Round 9: 9 x 30 meter sprints and 9 burpees in 90 seconds.
Try it at this level and see how you do. If you want to adjust just cut the distance down to 20 meters or walk 15 meters.
Another option is once you cannot complete the round in prescribed time go back down the ladder.
Have fun!
Curriculum for the Week - 8/2/21
Straight punches / Straight combinations
Front kick to groin
Choke from front – arm up & turn
Elbows – review
Focus mitt combination: (left straight – right elbow)
Focus mitt combination: (lt./rt. combination – bob – rt. elbow)
Inside defense with counter vs. left punch
Inside defense with counter vs. left punch (using left hand)
Bearhug from behind – arms free – elbows and other counters
Combatives - Free Work
REVIEW - Bearhugs – Back w/Arms Free
Bearhugs - From Behind (leverage on finger)
Bearhugs - From Behind (lifting)
Full Nelson - Leverage on Finger
Ridge Hand / Mouth of Hand Punches
Chops – Inside and Outside
REVIEW – All Fall Breaks
Cavalier #1
Cavalier #2
Cavalier #3
Cavalier #4
Reference Videos
- ALWAYS change your shoes before class, no matter what the weather is like outside.
- REMEMBER to sign in for classes before showing up. If class shows "full," please still come - some people will sign up but not show up!
- RESPECT all equipment and rooms. If you are utilizing the "open gym," put things back where you found them and clean up after yourself. (Put away your weights and clean up chalk)