Krav Maga Detroit Weekly Update
We Forge Warriors - August 9, 2021
TAKEN: Fighting the Kidnapping Attempt
Friday, August 13
Survive the Fight
Saturday, August 21
Contact Pjeter Berishaj
Laser Tag
Saturday, August 21
Contact Jason Grose
September 11: Honoring Our Heroes
20th Anniversary
Saturday, September 11
More details to follow
KM 1 Test
Friday, October 1
TAKEN: Fighting the Kidnapping Attempt: THIS FRIDAY!
Open to all members and guests! Please invite your friends!
$99 KMD Members, $149 non-Members
Participants should bring a pillowcase, a spare t-shirt, or a hoodie.
Will cover fighting in and around vehicles, while bound and blindfolded.
Groin Protection and mouth guard not required, but recommended!

Survive the Fight: August 21: Be there!
Contact Pjeter Berishaj @ 586-219-5660 to sign up!
September 11: Honoring Our Heroes: 20th Anniversary
Mark your Calendars: 9/11/2021: More Details to Follow

Coach's Corner: Stay Motivated: ;)
Curriculum of the Week - 8/9/2021
Free Work - Combatives
360 Defenses (1-3)
Headlock from behind (bar arm/carotid)
Ground – back position – movement & front kick
Ground – back position – getting up
Slipping punches – moving side to side and back
Focus mitt combination: (lt. / rt. combination – bob – rt. cross)
Inside defense with counter vs. right punch (2 counters)
Inside defense with counter vs. right punch (1 counter)
Bearhugs - front w/arms caught – control hips and counterattack
Bearhugs - behind w/arms caught
Arm Bar From Guard
Takedown - Single Leg - Low Hyperextension
Takedown - Single Leg - Knee Tap - Forward
Takedown - Single Leg - Knee Tap - Backward
Bearhugs - Front w/Arms Free (space)
Bearhugs - Front w/Arms Free (no space) - Attack Nose/Eyes/Leverage on Neck
Bearhugs - From the Front (lifting)
REVIEW - 360º Defenses
REVIEW - All Choke Defenses
Knife - Kick Defense vs. Downward Stab
Knife - Kick Defense vs. Upward Stab
Knife - Hand Defenses (general 360º & inside defenses)
Reference Videos
- ALWAYS change your shoes before class, no matter what the weather is like outside.
- REMEMBER to sign in for classes before showing up. If class shows "full," please still come - some people will sign up but not show up!
- RESPECT all equipment and rooms. If you are utilizing the "open gym," put things back where you found them and clean up after yourself. (Put away your weights and clean up chalk)