Krav Maga Detroit Weekly Update
We Forge Warriors - September 27, 2021
KM 1 Test
Friday, October 1
Survive the Fight 2
Saturday, October 2
Contact Pieter Berishaj to sign up:
Saturday, October 2 @6PM
Come watch Rome Antenucci perform
Main Street Billiards (More details below)
Level 1 Test THIS FRIDAY!
This is a great opportunity to see a test (if you haven't before) to find out what you will be in for in the future! It is also a great chance to hang out with and meet new friends! ... and of course, Pawel is always a fun source of entertainment ;)
Adult beverages are highly encouraged! All are welcome to join!
Rome Antenucci and MTA Concert
Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 6pm
215 South Main Street
Rochester, MI
Good times guaranteed!

Kids Tribe - GoRuck
If you’re looking for something you could do together with your kids, read cool books, spend time outdoors, train, this is something to look into. Just last week another one of the KMD Young Warriors, Akshaj, had joined in.
This is not a KMD program but we recommend it as we’ve been working with GoRuck since 2013 and they are solid. Click the link below for more info.

Get inspired. Take small steps. Get it done!
Curriculum of the Week - 9/27/21
Straight Punches
Heel Punch
Front Kick to Vertical Target
Knees with Grab to Shoulder and Arm
Choke from Front – 1 Hand Pluck
Bobbing and weaving to avoid punches
Shadow boxing
Focus mitt combination: (lt. / rt. combination – lt. hook – rt. uppercut)
Review – Choke from front with push - rotating
Choke from front against the wall
Choke from behind against the wall
REVIEW - Punches - Straight Punches with Heel of Hand
REVIEW – Kicks – Front Kicks
REVIEW - Punch Defenses - Inside Defenses against Straight Punches
REVIEW - Kick Defenses - Defense vs. Front Kick (redirect)
Kick Defenses - Kick Defense vs. Front Kick (side step & counter)
Kick Defenses - Kick Defense vs. Front Kick (switch kick)
Stick – Overhead Swing
Stick – Overhead Swing – off angle / dead side (1 step)
Stick – Overhead Swing – off angle / dead side (2 steps)
Stick – Baseball Bat Swing
- ALWAYS change your shoes before class, no matter what the weather is like outside.
- REMEMBER to sign in for classes before showing up. If class shows "full," please still come - some people will sign up but not show up!
- RESPECT all equipment and rooms. If you are utilizing the "open gym," put things back where you found them and clean up after yourself. (Put away your weights and clean up chalk)