Krav Maga Detroit Weekly Update
upcoming events
CHAD 1000X
Veteran Suicide Prevention
Thursday, November 11
See Details Below
“Krav Maga Concepts: Pluck”
Friday, November 19
Cost $59
Taught by Pawel
Register and more info below!
CPR/ First Aid Certification Class
Sunday, November 21
Cost: $100
See details below
Stop the Bleed Class
Sunday, November 21
Cost: FREE!
See details below
🔴Thanksgiving Schedule🔴
Wednesday 11/24 *modified*
5:15p Focus Mitt
6p KM1
6p Yoga
Enjoy biggest bar night responsibility!!!🍻
Saturday come and train!
‼️Save the Date‼️
KMD Night Out
House of Shamrocks
Saturday 12/11 @ 6:30p
krav maga concepts: pluck
"Krav Maga Concepts" taught by Pawel will focus on a specific Krav Maga technique and apply it to multiple situations.
November 19 exciting 2 hour seminar will dive into the Pluck! Used for breaking choke, you will learn how this technique can used in multiple situations. Don't miss this!!!
Since it's a Friday evening, having some beers and laughs afterwards is never a bad idea :)
veteran suicide prevention - chad 1000x - date 11/11/2021
FROM GORUCK: Sara Wilkinson and GORUCK present the hero workout “CHAD” - in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who took his life on October 29, 2018 due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention and support Veteran Mental Health Initiatives.
Join us in paying respect to Chad Wilkinson and all those who have been lost to suicide, while also committing to try to change the number.
We encourage you to get a group of any size together to do the workout on the date of your choosing between Nov 5th - 13th. Veterans Day is November 11th.

sign up now! - cpr/first aid + stop the bleed courses
We will be offering CPR / First Aid Certifications and Stop the Bleed Courses every month starting in November! The first date is NOVEMBER 21.
CPR/First Aid Course:
Will provide you with a certification from American Heart Association. (This class is for non-healthcare providers. If you are a healthcare provider and require BLS or Basic Life Support, we also offer this course. Please contact us, see below.)
TIME: 9am-1pm
PRICE: $100
Class limit: 12
(First come first serve with deposit. Remember, we will be hosting this class every month, so if you don't get in this month you can get in the next!)
Stop the Bleed Course:
The American College of Surgeons’ STOP THE BLEED® program is a 1 hour course that specializes in bleeding control. Certificates will be issued upon completion.
TIME: 1pm-2pm
Class limit: NONE
(All are welcome to attend. Participants in the CPR / First Aid Course are encouraged to stay after for this class. There is no limit to how often this class can be attended, however it only needs to be attended once for certification.)
Contact Mallory Brake to reserve your spot or with any questions!
TEXT: 313-590-3944 or EMAIL:
what’s worth living for?
I realize that the reason "why" most of us train is to better ourselves and our chances of survival from an attack. I am sure that most people, therefore, were thinking, "I don't want to post a picture of myself on the "why" board." But instead of thinking about it that way - think instead - that if you train to survive - "WHY?" What is worth living for? WHY do you want to train to survive? Why, what, or who do you live for?
Perhaps these questions are easier to answer. And perhaps we will start seeing more items added to the board. That way when each person walks through the doors to the training floor - can see the reasons WHY we live.
Thanks everyone.
curriculum 11/8/2021
Hammerfist punch - forward
Knees – forward
Choke from the front – 1 hand pluck
Wrist releases – ALL
Focus mitts: L/R combo – bob – R cross
Focus mitts: L/R combo – bob – R elbow
Focus mitts: Free work
Bearhugs – Behind - Arms Free
Bearhugs – Behind - Arms Caught
REVIEW – Straight Punches
REVIEW – Front Kick to Vertical Target with Ball of Foot
Handgun From the Front
Handgun From the Side of the Head
REVIEW – All hand Defenses against Knife Attacks
Knife - Kick Defense vs. Straight Stab
Knife - Kick Defense vs. Straight Stab (attacker sideways)
Knife - Kick Defense vs. Straight Stab (bail out)
reference videos:
- ALWAYS change your shoes before class, no matter what the weather is like outside.
- REMEMBER to sign in for classes before showing up. If class shows "full," please still come - some people will sign up but not show up!
- RESPECT all equipment and rooms. If you are utilizing the "open gym," put things back where you found them and clean up after yourself. (Put away your weights and clean up chalk)