950 W Maple Rd Suite D, Troy, Michigan 48084

Happy New Year! KMD Newsletter 1.3.22

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Krav Maga Detroit Weekly Update

We Forge Warriors - January 3, 2022


Yoga is back!

Laura has returned, and Yoga class will resume:

Wednesday, 1/5 @ 6PM

End of the Year Donations Summary: 

  • Donated $920 to Operation HomeFront:
  • Thanks to the amazing turn out and donations from our 9-11 event, KMD was able to donate $920 to Operation HomeFront. We feel so blessed to have the opportunities we have to train and live. What an honor it is to be able to give back to others who are not as fortunate.

  • Donated $700 to benefit Tate Myre Memorial Scholarship:
  • Tate was a student at Oxford HS. He was shot while trying to disarm the assailant during the tragic events at the school. He died of his wounds while being transported to the hospital by a sheriff deputy. Tate’s family set up the scholarship in his name to help offset cost of college for the students of Oxford.
  • KMD's Crisis Mitigation Training event raised the funds for this worthy cause.

Here's to a fantastic 2022! A Message from Pawel: 

May we all find some time in our busy lives to reflect on deeper things and sooth our souls. Even few minutes a day will make a difference over time. Here’s something to get us started. Here’s to a fantastic 2022!!! - Pawel

In Memoriam, [Ring out, wild bells]

- Alfred Lord Tennyson

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,

The flying cloud, the frosty light:

The year is dying in the night;

Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

Ring out the old, ring in the new,

Ring, happy bells, across the snow:

The year is going, let him go;

Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Ring out the grief that saps the mind

For those that here we see no more;

Ring out the feud of rich and poor,

Ring in redress to all mankind.

Ring out a slowly dying cause,

And ancient forms of party strife;

Ring in the nobler modes of life,

With sweeter manners, purer laws.

Ring out the want, the care, the sin,

The faithless coldness of the times;

Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes

But ring the fuller minstrel in.

Ring out false pride in place and blood,

The civic slander and the spite;

Ring in the love of truth and right,

Ring in the common love of good.

Ring out old shapes of foul disease;

Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;

Ring out the thousand wars of old,

Ring in the thousand years of peace.

Ring in the valiant man and free,

The larger heart, the kindlier hand;

Ring out the darkness of the land,

Ring in the Christ that is to be.

The more you know... 

KNOWLEDGE! The more you know, the more you can grow!

Please read this great write up on benefits and differences between the Greens and the Reds supplements sold at KMD. 

Click the link below:

Big picture

1,000 Mile Challenge 2022 

"The 1,000 Mile Challenge is about challenging yourself to run, walk, or ruck in 2022. We call it the 1,000 Mile Challenge, but tabs are earned at 300, 700 and 1,000 miles, and ultimately you decide what your miles will be. 

As in previous years, 100% of the net proceeds from this Challenge will be going to charity and we are proud to be supporting the Green Beret Foundation and Team RWB again this year."

Please CLICK on button below for more information:

A Message from Jason McCarthy: Founder, GORUCK 


The world keeps going round and round, and if we’re not careful that’s all we’ll end up doing, too. Day after day, the choices that matter the most can escape us. We overthink the truth, we rationalize the distractions, and we doubt whether we’re even asking the right questions. Occasionally, though, something big enough takes hold of everyone’s attention, and even our imagination, and we are forced to reckon with our own lives in the simplest of ways.

After 9/11, millions lined up to serve our country, but there was no national call to service. We were told to buy a car, and to go shopping at the mall to do our part. The economy is important, but this was a missed opportunity. Inspire first, and the economic gains will follow. JFK’s “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” comes to mind.

When the pandemic took hold in 2020, for a brief moment we all had more questions than answers, and we were in it together. There was a moment of collective grace that we allowed to others, and ourselves. Then the powers that be stoked the fear fire and it became us vs. us, which is the only greatest threat to our way of life.

Still, there is always hope. It is never too late to begin anew, and Happy New Year! I can’t help but wonder — what if we took this opportunity to sideline our anger, and our finger pointing, and to ignore the negative influences on our lives? What if we spent more time on ourselves, and our family, and our community, and less time on anti-social media? And what if we focused on the irrefutable truth that it is better to be healthy than sick, strong than weak, it is better to be empowered than a puppet to the groupthink of the hour, or the crisis at hand? Each of us has the freedom to control not only our attitudes and energy, but also our own actions. What if there was a national, and a global cry for greater health: Physical, Mental, and Social. What if instead of buying fear, we spent time outside? What if we traded calloused thumbs for fresh air and skinned-up knees? The greatest, long lost revolution of our era just might be to think for ourselves, and to lead the life we are supposed to lead no matter how counter-culture it might seem to those around us today.

Our Tribe thrives on leading from the front, on taking the harder path and on serving others and causes greater than ourselves. Everyone has a different appetite for risk, with different safety nets and consequences. Let that not divide us. No matter our situation, risk aversion stalks us all, from all sides. It tells us to take the easy path. To play it safe. It sells us the latest fad instead of telling us to chase our dreams. It soothes us into the greatest failure of all: the failure to try.

If it is time for you to begin anew, then begin anew. Just one step in the right direction is a great place to start. Planning life to absolute safety is to sacrifice all of your days listening to those who mistake the movement of the Earth for their own.

Let’s mitigate the risks as we need to, let’s continue our journeys and have faith in our cause. No matter what, life has risk and the things that matter most to us are worth it.

Jason McCarthy
Founder, GORUCK

Big picture

Curriculum - 1/3/2021 


Fight Stance

Straight Punches

Kick to the Groin 

Choke from the Front - turning


Bobbing and Weaving to Avoid Punches 

Front Kick to Groin 

Advancing Front Kick (Fighting and Neutral Stance) 

Defense vs. Front Kick (redirect) 

Back Fallbreak & Side Fallbreak 


Punches – Focus Mitt Combination: (right uppercut – left hook – right cross) 

Punches – Focus Mitt Combination: (right uppercutt – left hook – right elbow)

Head-Butt to the Side (bearhug context)

Head-Butt to the Back (bearhug context) 

Bearhug From Behind (leverage on finger) 

Bearhug From Behind (lifting)

Bearhug From Front (lifting) 


REVIEW – All Punches to Pads and Focus Mitts


Gun from the Front 

Gun from the Side of the Head

Reference Videos: 



  • ALWAYS change your shoes before class, no matter what the weather is like outside.
  • REMEMBER to sign in for classes before showing up. If class shows "full," please still come - some people will sign up but not show up!
  • RESPECT all equipment and rooms. If you are utilizing the "open gym," put things back where you found them and clean up after yourself. (Put away your weights and clean up chalk)

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