No, it wasn’t a Black Belt test. It was a KM3 Test. A long and comprehensive test of Krav Maga knowledge.
There’s something different, something special about this test. It’s not just the length of it, even though solid 8 pages of techniques is a formidable task for anybody. It’s not that the techniques are more difficult then before.
To me, this test is like surfing the Mavericks – the giant wave can give you a ride of your life or can end it.
There’s a reason KMD tests are tough and challenging – because such is life. But it’s all nothing compared to fighting for your life. The one and only real test that I wish on no one, yet I train for every day.
Most people find their first Krav Maga test shocking, surpassing all expectations and at the same time most satisfying. Some still wonder how they even survived. This one builds your fighting spirit. You learn that you’re capable of so much more than you’ve ever dreamed possible – both physically and mentally.
Not all students will experience their second test. I think it’s a shame but it’s their choice. Those who do learn quickly that sheer brutality and passion, though extremely important, are not enough. At the same time, the “technicians” and perfectionists focusing solely on performing each technique flawlessly will get their “perfect worlds” blown into pieces. This test demands both. Yes, you still need to be viciously aggressive but you also need to look more like a trained fighter using his skills to deal with seemingly insurmountable challenges.
KM3 Test is not the next step up the ladder. KM3 Test is more like that jump that Bruce Wayne had to conquer to get out of The Pit. You give it your all or you’ll fail. At this level you’d better know your WHY. Deep down in your heart you need to know, beyond any doubt, why you train Krav Maga.
To be successful you need to kick ass. Knowing what and how is not enough. You need to DO! Kick ass like there’s no tomorrow because guess what – in real life, if you don’t, there WILL BE NO TOMORROW!!!
This test separates those who THINK they train Krav Maga from those who actually DO. Those who think they know what Krav Maga is all about from those who take the time to study the words of Imi and Darren, who take seminars, who train hard in KM1, KM2 and KM3 classes and finish their day with sparring or lifting… I think you get the picture.
Now, back to last Friday.
A great group of people attempted the test. They gave a valiant effort. Unfortunately, after two and a half hours the test went black. They failed to meet the standard and just before 10pm I called it.
The last man standing was Trevor who decided to take the test just to crush it, because why not. He was smoking it from the beginning and would have finished in flying colors. He showed us all how to surf that great wave like a pro.
It’s not a happy experience when a test goes black and I hope not to have many of those in the future as I always look forward to seeing you triumph. Maybe this, combined with lots and lots of training, will help you in future tests – Krav Maga and other.
Now go and get ready to surf the Mavericks.