Krav Maga Detroit has always maintained great relationship with the Law Enforcement community and hosted a number of instructor courses throughout the years. Our local heroes never disappointed either and have always supported us in our various endeavors. Who could ever forget the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 and the wonderful tribute by the Troy Police Honor Guard?
So when this year started with the news of ambushes and murders of police officers and people using social media to encourage more killing, it hit very close to home for me. I knew I wanted to do something to help and teaching Krav Maga was a natural choice. That’s how the idea of the Law Enforcement Appreciation Class came to be.
I didn’t even know if anybody would show up but I was determined to make it happen even if only for one person.
As always, you all jumped in to help and shared the emails and Facebook posts with the officers you knew. Thank you. It means a lot guys and it lets me know that you believe in what we’re doing.
Well, I’m so proud to say that your efforts paid off in a huge way.
Way over 30 officers from various agencies showed up last Saturday, February 7, 2015. Pjeter and I ran a fast paced class covering as much as we could in a short time we had. The group responded enthusiastically and from the first punch kept up a high intensity. Their attitude was amazing. They wanted to be there and they wanted to learn – a true dream for any instructor.
The two hours went by fast and based on how many officers came to shake our hands and thank for the training, the class was a big success.
Both Pjeter and I are happy we had an honor to run this class. For those two hours it was our turn to serve those who swore toProtect and Serve us.
To all the participants – THANK YOU.
Thank you for your service, thank you for taking the time and thank you for training hard. That’s all we could ever ask for.
Stay safe and remember that you have friends in Krav Maga Detroit’s instructors and students and that your sacrifice is appreciated here.