First Ever KMD Military PT Test Is In The Books.
Against all odds (the Super Bowl Sunday and the biggest snow storm in the last 40 years), five brave and slightly insane souls showed up to find out how they stacked up against the fitness standards of the U.S. most elite warriors.
After a short warm up the test started with 500 jumping jacks. Mandy dominated this part and completed all 500 in 5:25!
Next were push-ups. A little surprise awaited them here as steps were taken to ensure only proper push-ups were counted. Paweł got this one with 60 push-ups in 2 minutes.
Sit-ups went to Miles who completed 102 of them in 2 minutes and left the competitive standard of 80 in the dust.
Pull-ups decimated the participants as only 2 met the standard. Once again Miles did awesome with 9 strict pull-ups, only 2 short of the competitive standard of 11.
The last event was a mile and a half run. To meet the standard the run had to be finished in under 11 minutes.
This portion of the test took place outside. It never stopped snowing, the wind was merciless, temps were way below freezing and snowdrifts in their path made it feel like running on soft sand. In short, a regular day on planet Hoth. Yet even in those hostile conditions Alex finished the 1.5 mile run in 12:35. Wow!!!
Congratulations and big Thank You to the brave five who joined us and completed the test. You are truly KMD Tough.
Special Thank You to John Carra for organizing and administering the test.
More military inspired tests are coming soon, so keep training.